15 februar 2010

Ei tid for alt...

Då er FC Kørv historie, etter 5 1/2 år som det beste Alnes-inspirerte laget i managerspelet Hattrick.


Fra: no-reply@hattrick.org [mailto:no-reply@hattrick.org]
Sendt: 15. februar 2010 01:02
Emne: Hattrick - Your account is deleted

Your team has been deleted.

A while ago you were warned that your team in Hattrick had been inactive for too long. Since you still haven't logged in, the team has now been deleted. We've done this because we want to make room for people who really want to play Hattrick.

Anyway, we hope that you had some fun while it lasted! Maybe we'll see each other again sometime.

Best regards,

The Hattrick Team

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